State Legislature Candidates Respond to Your Questions

November 4, 2018 — A few weeks ago, we asked our email subscribers to tell us what they would like to know from the candidates running for Weston’s districts in the State Senate and State House of Representatives.
They did, and so we asked the candidates. All but one. We interviewed 26th District State Senator Toni Boucher and her opponent, Will Haskell. We interviewed 28th State Senate District candidate Michelle McCabe. The incumbent in that district, Tony Hwang, did not respond to our interview request. We also interviewed 135th State Representative Adam Dunsby and his opponent, Anne Hughes.
The items submitted by readers fell into some common areas. We asked all candidates the same questions:
1. If elected, what would be your legislative priorities?
2. What measures would you support to address the State budget deficit?
3. Do you support tolls?
4. Do you believe Connecticut needs stronger gun regulations?
5. Do you support the two proposed State Constitution amendments on the ballot?
6. Would you support legislation to bar the Department of Transportation from spraying Roundup on Connecticut roadways?
We thank the reader who submitted that last question. At first, we were skeptical about it. It is true.
Finally, we gave the candidates the last word. We thank them. We also thank the subscribers who responded to our inquiry. These are the links to each candidate’s interview article: