October 15, 2019 Mr. Kosinski and Ms. Mayer write regarding the proposed Library addition.
As residents of Weston for 30 years,we were surprised to learn of the reluctance of the Historic Commission to approve a $5 million bequest of a library addition devoted to the arts and innovation.
As we all recognize, Weston is in need of a vibrant town center to enhance community spirit. The proposed library addition... (continue reading)
October 15, 2019 Ms. Hahn writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
The library may be an historic building, but attempting to regulate it in the same way as Norfield Church is not appropriate in this district.
The Norfield Historic District lists its period of significance as up to c.1920. The library, being built in 1963, should therefore not be regulated in the same way as historic resources that belong to the district's primary era of significance... (continue reading)
October 11, 2019 Mr. Scioscia writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
I am writing to voice my support for the proposed expansion of the Weston Public Library. After reading the recent article in Weston Today, I am concerned that the town risks losing a rare and generous gift of $5 Million over what seem to be mis-placed concerns over the design of the potentional expansion.
While I can appreciate that there is a process to follow and that the library lies in a historic district, the objections cited... (continue reading)
October 11, 2019 Ms. Yiannoulis-Riva writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
Dear HDC Members,
My husband and I are five-plus year residents of the town of Weston. I read yesterday that the proposed gift of five million dollars to renovate/add an addition to the town library may be in doubt after the HDC meeting this past week (which I was unable to attend as I have been working late nights this entire week)... (continue reading)
October 10, 2019 Ms. Shapiro writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
First off, I want to say that my family has lived in Weston for 50 years. My parents moved here in 1969 and I happily made the move in 2004. Since then, I have grown to love this town and its people. Weston is a quirky interesting place and after life in New York and LA, I find that that I have so much in common with so many people here.
When Weston elected Chris Spaulding as First Selectman in a landslide, it was notice that the people in Weston wanted... (continue reading)
October 10, 2019 Ms. Riback writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
I have been a resident of Weston for 33 years and a Realtor in the community for 23 years. My husband and I have raised our family here and we have always treasured its small town feel, amazing schools, nurturing environment and its intrinsic beauty.
I have always been passionate about Weston and I consider myself one of its greatest cheerleaders but selling homes has become a challenge... (continue reading)
October 8, 2019 Mr. Ezzes writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
Dear Members of the Historic Commission:
As a member of the Board of Finance, my board grapples with how to provide services and amenities for our community while not having to increase taxes. All of you are also taxpayers and sensitive to decisions made by my board.
There are larger ramifications should you decide to not approve the Offutt Center for Innovation and Art... (continue reading)
October 8, 2019 Ms. Thiel writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
Precedent. An earlier event or action that is regarded as an example or guide to be considered in subsequent similar circumstances.
In the architecture world, precedent is considered often and is used to build a case for certain design decisions... (continue reading)
October 8, 2019 Ms. Halpin writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
To the Chairs of the Weston Historic District Commission,
I enthusiastically support the wonderful proposed addition to our library which I feel will be a benefit to ALL residents of our town.
As a long time resident of Weston, and an active member of the community, I value progressive change in our town... (continue reading)
October 8, 2019 Mr. Muller writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
Dear Members of the Historic District Commission -
Work travel will prevent me from participating in your upcoming meeting when you will continue your consideration of the proposed Library improvements. I write as someone who, like each of you, has been called on to make difficult decisions in the interest of serving Weston.
I most recently served the Town as a member of the Survey Committee that designed and managed the Town-wide sentiment gathering initiative... (continue reading)
October 8, 2019 Ms. Sheff-Mauer writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
To the Historic District Commission,
My husband and I are 25+ year residents of Weston, We love our town and have recommended Weston to many who have since moved here.
I attended the meeting the other night, there are no words to say how disappointed I was to hear your responses.
A five million dollar gift will go away due to your concerns. To lose this opportunity is impossible to imagine. This will impact the future of our town in the most profound way... (continue reading)
October 8, 2019 Mr. Reilly writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
I am writing to voice my support for the proposed expansion of the Weston Public Library. I am deeply concerned to learn that the town risks losing a tremendously generous gift of $5 Million over what seem to be minor concerns over the design of the proposed expansion.
A small town known for an emphasis on education and community can only benefit from a project such as this. As a long time resident, parent of 2 children who use the library regularly... (continue reading)
October 8, 2019 Ms. Hill-Bjerke writes regarding the proposed Library addition.
Thank you for taking the time to read my plea to the Weston Historic District Commission and Town of Weston to please, please, please accept the generous grant being offered the town Library.
As a new Weston town resident (moved from NYC Sept 2016) and also as a published poet, I ask the town and HDC to seriously move forward with expansion plans... (continue reading)
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