As residents of Weston for 30 years,we were surprised to learn of the reluctance of the Historic Commission to approve a $5 million bequest of a library addition devoted to the arts and innovation.
As we all recognize, Weston is in need of a vibrant town center to enhance community spirit. The proposed library addition would greatly enhance the cultural and educational facilities for residents of all ages. As per the 2010 Connecticut Handbook of Historic District Commission,the role of the commission is to “promote the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of the public through the preservation and protection of significant historic resources.”
Our library is a pleasing structure but by no means could one consider it historically significant, and therefore the HDC is exceeding its mandate and ability when it tries to judge architectural quality. HDC should therefore follow its own mandate and approve the architectural plans of this most generous gift which will enhance the educational and cultural needs of our community.
Edward Kosinski
Deborah Mayer
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