Letter to the Editor


To the Chairs of the Weston Historic District Commission,

I enthusiastically support the wonderful proposed addition to our library which I feel will be a benefit to ALL residents of our town.

As a long time resident of Weston, and an active member of the community, I value progressive change in our town. Our library, while quaint, is outdated and offers very little to attract residents and potential buyers. I used to bring my children to Wilton library and Westport library for crafts and story hour, and to check out books and DVDs. The very fact that I had to go to neighbouring towns made my husband consider moving many times over the years. We have held out faith that Weston will catch up, for a long time. My children are now older, and I only have one left at home. I’m tired of our sweet town being stuck in the dark ages due to its inability to get out of it’s own way! We pay high taxes, and get fantastic schools, but schools are the only draw to Weston. A state of the art facility paid for by a generous donation, would go a long way in improving the curb appeal of Weston.

Weston needs a place for our children and residents to grow and learn together outside of school. It will serve as a wonderful community space where neighbours can come together for programs and classes. With the $5,000,000 gift that is currently on the table to allow for this expansion to happen, I think it would be shameful for Weston if this opportunity was squandered.

I am strongly in favour of the library expansion and hope that you vote to approve this project, using the current design that has been presented.

Michelle Halpin

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