Letter to the Editor


Dear Weston Town Leaders,

I am writing to voice my support for the proposed expansion of the Weston Public Library. I am deeply concerned to learn that the town risks losing a tremendously generous gift of $5 Million over what seem to be minor concerns over the design of the proposed expansion.

A small town known for an emphasis on education and community can only benefit from a project such as this. As a long time resident, parent of 2 children who use the library regularly, and a tax payer, it would be beyond disappointing to miss out on this opportunity to improve our public library and town. Furthermore, it sounds as though further deliberation may put an additional $500K for our volunteer first responders facilities at risk, something no one would want to see happen.

The town itself cannot afford to invest in these types of community improvements and while I appreciate the opinions of the historical society, they should not be a reason to risk losing this important project. The design is thoughtful and appropriate and we need to move forward.

Thank you for your dedication and support of our town.

Greg Reilly

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