Letter to the Editor


Dear HDC Members,

My husband and I are five-plus year residents of the town of Weston. I read yesterday that the proposed gift of five million dollars to renovate/add an addition to the town library may be in doubt after the HDC meeting this past week (which I was unable to attend as I have been working late nights this entire week).

I will be making every effort to attend the meeting on the 16th regardless of how busy I am because I believe this topic is too important not to do so. I would like to register my (and my husband’s) strong support for approval of the project. I frankly feel that it defies belief that some members of the committee are looking this gift horse in the mouth over what I understand to be the height of the structure (I can’t imagine that they are looking to build skyscrapers here).

I would ask that you please not allow the perfect to be the enemy of the good. We are crying out for some changes in our town (the recent vote to approve the new town green was a nice step in the right direction). We are not asking for a wholesale change of the character of the town, but it is becoming clear that to compete with surrounding towns for a smaller pool of buyers, we have to adjust and make some changes.

It’s not enough to offer just offer a great school system anymore (granted, ours is one of the best in the state, and it is a huge draw, but buyers these days want additional amenities). More importantly, this proposed project, once implemented, would be a great amenity for the residents who currently live here.

In closing, I implore you - please do not give this generous donor a reason to walk away from this project. To do so would not only be to strike down a great project that will benefit present and future town residents, but would also give the donor a reason to avoid donating to the town in future. That would be an utter tragedy.

Vasiliki Yiannoulis-Riva

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