Attorney General Green-Lights Lachat Plans

Lachat Town Farm has been given an all-clear from the office of the Connecticut Attorney General to proceed with plans for programming and a new building.
“We are very pleased to hear this,” said Carol Baldwin, president of Friends of Lachat, the volunteer non-profit that brought the farm back to life as a popular town amenity over the past decade.
“We’re so happy the farm can continue serving as such a wonderful gift to our town!,” said Ms. Baldwin. “Feeling a sense of community is so important these days.”
A letter delivered to Town Hall yesterday said the Attorney General “has no objection to the proposed continued operations” of the Farm as outlined in an agreement between Lachat and nearby homeowners that was approved by voters in a Special Town Meeting last November 6th.
First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor said, “I am delighted. I can’t wait to see Lachat become an even more wonderful, robust amenity in Weston. I’m so grateful to Friends of Lachat and all the volunteers who help keep our town moving forward.”
The letter concluded that the agreement “is consistent with the historical legacy of the property, permissible under all documents governing its use, and consistent with Leon Lachat’s intent to preserve and memorialize his family legacy.”
Ms. Baldwin said construction of a new educational center at the Farm will begin when weather permits in the spring. The building will provide space for indoor classes and programs.