Sidewalks: On to Phase 2

Weston Today illustrations
The second phase of sidewalks construction in the center of town could begin in late spring. The design process is far enough along that the Board of Selectmen has initiated the local approval process.
Phase 2, depicted in pink in the graphic above, picks up where the recently completed Phase 1 (red) left off, at Weston Middle School.
The design has about 2,000 feet of new sidewalks running the rest of the way up School Road to Lords Highway, making a right turn, and ending at Old Hyde Road. Another section, about 600 feet, connects the Town Hall campus to the entrance of Norfield Church. (In the graphic, green indicates sidewalks that already existed before Phase 1.)
The project also includes major improvements to the intersection of Route 57 and School Road, eliminating congestion that builds up at the beginning and end of school days.
Northbound traffic will have access to a dedicated right turn lane onto School Road. Southbound, the road will be slightly widened so traffic can bypass, on the right, vehicles queued to turn left onto School Road. The traffic light system will be upgraded as well.
Next steps
On December 7, the Selectmen voted to refer the project for approval by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Conservation Commission. The latter is involved because, while none of the grounds involved are wetlands, in some areas wetlands are less than 100 feet away.
Also, the Historic District Commission will have to weigh in on the sidewalk stretch that runs up Norfield Road to the church, and a public vote will have to approve deeding to the state about 6,600 square feet of town-owned land abutting Route 57 to provide for the turning lane and bypass. The state would pay $70,000.
First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor said she hopes everything will be set for the Town to invite construction bids in the spring. If that happens, work would likely begin as soon as schools dismiss for summer break.
All construction costs are funded by a $1.85 million state grant. The Town is responsible for, and has already funded, costs for the design.
Phase 3
Assuming all goes as envisioned, the third and final stage of the sidewalks plan, depicted in orange on the graphic below, would close the loop around the center of town.
Sidewalks would be built from the point Phase 2 leaves off, running from Lords Highway down Old Hyde Road to Norfield Road, then going right to Norfield Church. That project, 80 percent funded by a federal grant administered by the Connecticut Department of Transportation, could be on the Town’s punch list as early as 2025.