Annual Town Budget Meeting, Thursday

Town, school district, and capital budgets go before voters at the Annual Town Budget Meeting (ATBM) beginning on Thursday, April 28 at 8:00 pm in the Weston High School auditorium.

Check-in with the Registrars of Voters begins at 7:00 pm and must be complete by 8:00 pm, when the meeting is called to order.

At the ATBM, if a quorum of at least 130 qualified voters is present, those participating can propose a vote to reduce (but not increase) line items in the Town and Capital budgets recommended by the Board of Finance. The Board of Education budget can be amended only in total, not by line item.

Final budget approval takes place in a machine ballot Referendum, which begins in the high school library immediately upon adjournment of the ATBM. The Referendum resumes on Saturday, May 7 at the Town Hall Meeting Room from 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm.

The Referendum ballot contains three separate yes-or-no questions asking whether each budget should be approved.

Absentee ballots, budget information

Absentee ballots for the Referendum can be picked up in person during normal business hours at the Town Clerk’s office from Friday, April 29 through Friday, May 6. Completed ballots must be returned to Town Hall by 8:00 pm on Saturday, May 7, when polls close for the Referendum.

Despite cost pressures at Town Hall and on School Road resulting in operating increases, this year’s budget process was notably uncontentious and, thanks to adjustments and a healthy fiscal picture, produced proposals that carry almost no impact on the mill rate.

Details about the proposed Town budget can be found on the Finance section of the Town website.

Details about the proposed Board of Education budget are available at the Budget section of the Board of Education website.