300 Test Kits Available on Saturday

300 Covid-19 rapid test kits, each containing two tests, will be distributed to the public on Saturday, January 8, at Weston Middle School. The distribution takes place from 2:00 to 3:30, while supplies last.

The process will be the same as used on Monday, when everything ran smoothly.

The particulars

Only one test kit per household will be provided, on a first-come-first-served basis.

Due to the limited supply, Town and Emergency Management officials ask that you only request a kit if you are experiencing Covid-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has tested positive.

Enter School Road from Weston Road. The Lords Highway entrance to School Road will be closed. The access drive to Weston Middle School will be closed until 1:45. Emergency Management says early-arriving vehicles will be turned away.

You will need to remain in your vehicle, wear a mask when interacting with staff, and provide proof that you are a Weston resident.

Other allocations

The school district received 1,080 kits earlier this week for parents to administer to students who are symptomatic, in direct contact with someone exposed, or in some situations in a class with multiple cases. The district also received 288 one-test kits for use by staff.

Some of the total allotment received by the Town is set aside for use by emergency responders, Social Services, and the Senior Center. 300 kits are available to the public on Saturday.

At press time, we understand State officials continue efforts to obtain additional test kits, but there is no word on whether or when more will be available to municipalities and school districts.