Selectmen Schedule Fromson Hearing, Fill Vacancies

Last Thursday evening, the Board of Selectmen voted to hold a public hearing on August 19 to gain citizen input on the proposed sale of the town-owned Fromson-Strassler property to Aspetuck Land Trust.

The virtual hearing will start at 7:30 pm.

To participate, click this Zoom link at meeting time.

Or, call in to (646) 558-8656.
The webinar ID is 836 0379 0241. The passcode is 115395.

There will be no vote on the 19th. That will come later. After presentations by Town and Aspetuck Land Trust officials and hearing from the public, the Board is expected to set a date for a Special Town Meeting, probably in September. The sale of town property requires approval by voters.


The proposed sale price for 86 acres in the northwest portion of town is $1.14 million. The transaction has been developing since December of 2018. The Town and Land Trust essentially came to terms, with only a few details to be worked out, early this year.


The Selectmen also filled vacancies on three key bodies.

Michael Imber and Jamie Zeppernick were appointed to the Board of Finance. Mr. Imber is an executive at a financial advisory firm. Mr. Zeppernick is co-owner of a home healthcare agency.

James Carlon was appointed to the Planning and Zoning Commission. He is a commercial real estate attorney and served previously on P&Z.

David Felton, the owner of an IT managed service provider, was appointed to the Board of Education.