Lamont Urges Following New CDC Guidance

Governor Ned Lamont is urging that Connecticut residents who have recently traveled to certain countries—or plan to—follow new guidance from CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you have recently traveled to Italy, China, Iran, or South Korea, CDC advises you to self-monitor at home for 14 days after your return.

If you have recently come home from Japan, CDC advises limiting your interaction with others for 14 days after your return.

The CDC also recommends avoiding all non-essential travel to the countries above. Those who have already traveled to them and are feeling sick are asked to call ahead before visiting a doctor's office or emergency room, tell the doctor about symptoms and the recent travel, and avoid contact with others.

In a statement, Governor Lamont said, "Anyone who is planning travel, particularly internationally, is strongly urged to follow the CDC’s ongoing guidance and take it seriously."

Symptoms, prevention

Symptoms of coronavirus can include fever (100.4° or higher), cough, and shortness of breath.

CDC also advises everyone, regardless of travel, to take basic preventive steps:

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