Letter: Discard Trash Properly

To the Editor:
We took a walk along Old Easton Turnpike between Silver Ridge Common and Eleven O’Clock Road and picked up the trash we saw on the side of the road and filled a whole garbage bag with about 20 plastic bottles, 10 or so cans, 10 or so coffee cups, lots of plastic dog waste bags (i.e., someone bothered to bag it, but left it at the side of the road) and lots of other garbage (mostly plastic) — was about 30 lbs. of stuff.
And that’s all the stuff we could easily reach and see — there was lots further into the nature preserves on that road and likely under the bushes and leaves.
And all this on just a one-half mile of road.
Just a reminder to discard and/or recycle trash properly. A lot of this (plastic tapes and other things) can trap wildlife and adds to the “forever chemicals” we all are ingesting.
Lisa and Andrea Zana
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