About Letters to the Editor

When you send us a letter, please include your name and address. We will publish your name, but not your address. We will publish letters anonymously only if there is a compelling reason to do so, which we can discuss with you. Please limit your letter to 500 words or less.

Please email letters to editor@westontoday.news.

Submission of a letter does not ensure publication. We insist on civility. We will not publish letters containing personal attacks. We also insist that statements presented as facts be knowably factual, meaning they are subject to fact-checking.

Finally, we will not edit letters, but reserve the right to correct typographical or grammatical errors.

The views, opinions, and statements expressed in letters are those of their authors. They should not be construed as statements by, views of, or opinions held by Weston Today, its editor, publisher, or staff.