Letter: Eduardo the Goat, RIP

To the Editor:

Especially during those darkest days of Covid, a visit to Fanton Hill Farm, home to Eduardo the Goat and his flock of happy hens, became a popular destination … and brought simple joy to so many.

Daily visitors would spoil Eduardo with his favorite, banana peels. He would hurry over to the fence to accept his treat, with his hens scurrying excitedly just behind.

Of the four or five places he lived during his life, Eduardo had some quite notable abodes. When just a “kid,” he was fortunate enough to live on the gentleman’s farm in Redding of famed film director Barry Levinson (Diner).

Upon moving to Weston, he joined Judy Morris’ menagerie; from there he was pampered at Weston’s Wells Hill Farm. His final dwelling, for the last eight years or so, was at Fanton Hill Farm. For many years his faithful barn-mate, Blondie the Goat, was at his side, as were the chicks, who he vigilantly guarded and who had been lovingly raised by a group of neighboring teens and pre-teens.

During his final days, Weston’s own Dr. Chuck Noonan compassionately cared for Eduardo, making daily house calls to the barn. An autopsy performed at University of Connecticut Storrs revealed liver cancer as the cause of his death.

Eduardo, we will miss you! Thank you for the joy you brought us. And thanks to all who showered Eduardo with their love and attention.

Carol Baldwin
Fanton Hill Farm, Weston

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