Letters & Endorsements

Ellen L.F. Strauss for Stephan Grozinger

I may be a registered Democrat, but I am a wholly independent thinker and have always voted for the individual, not the party. At the local level, I wholeheartedly support Stephan Grozinger for First Selectman. Stephan and I have not always agreed, but he is an honest man who knows what is best for Weston. He will keep the Board of Selectmen and our community apprised of everything that is going on in town. We should expect transparency at the top and a First Selectman who leads with respect. Stephan is such a leader.

I have lived in Weston for 55 years and I want to once again be proud of our town, its citizens, and most importantly the administration which governs our town. Stephan brings years of positive leadership experience to Weston governance as Selectman and Chair of Planning and Zoning. Most importantly, he cares about our community.

It is high time for a change in leadership. Join me and many of my Democrat friends at the polls on November 7th and vote for Stephan Grozinger for First Selectman.

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