Letters & Endorsements

Amy Shapiro for Beth Gralnick
I am writing to resoundingly endorse the candidacy of Beth Gralnick for the Police Commission.
I’ve known Beth for more decades than both of us would like to admit and therefore can state with 100% accuracy that she has been devoted to making Weston a better place to live. Over the years, I’ve admired her commitment to the Police Commission, to our Chief and Captain and the individual officers and the role of the Police Commission as our civilian oversight board.
She has navigated the changes in Weston, both internal and external with aplomb, humor and compassion. She truly loves this town and has spent untold hours working on behalf of its residents.
Beth’s institutional knowledge combined with a keen intellect and understanding of both external and internal issues has kept our town safe and well-policed. I cannot think of anyone better for the Police Commission and urge all of my fellow voters to send her back to the Commission on Tuesday, November 7th.
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