Letters & Endorsements

Cheri McKenzie for David Muller
I write in strong support of re-electing David Muller to the Police Commission.
Many of you may know David from his many years of service to Weston including Board of Selectmen, Board of Finance, and Planning & Zoning Commission. As a current Police Commissioner, David brings this unique perspective and experience but most importantly, he continues to stand out as someone who puts a priority on creating an inclusive and transparent culture for the Commission.
When you get to know him, it doesn’t take long to realize that Daivd is truly an active listener, cares deeply about fairness, and understands the importance of representing the voices of all of Weston’s citizens.
Time and time again, he has demonstrated his commitment to ensuring that we have a Police Department that engages with the community, that keeps us safe, that adheres to all current laws and best practices, and that ensures the best work environment for the officers on the force.
We need David’s knowledge, dedication, and heart on the Police Commission.
I urge you to vote for David Muller on November 7th.
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