Letters & Endorsements

Lynn Jeffery for Samantha Nestor
With various articles published recently about the Board of Selectmen, I am writing as an independent business professional and community volunteer, to share my experience with Weston town management and specifically our First Selectwoman.
Starting as a new resident crossover from Westport two years ago with many questions for Town Hall, to then volunteering for town events and the Weston-Ukraine Sister City Partnership, I have had many touchpoints with Sam Nestor.
Whether it be about town planning, budgets, future visions, facilities or any of the myriad issues our Town leader must anticipate, create and protect, I have found Ms. Nestor to be an authentic, bright, exceptional person and leader. She inspires. She gives her fulltime attention to residents’ top priorities.
F.S. Nestor is an ideal mix as a multifaceted manager and problem solver, combined with a warm, caring person who excels as a communicator — an essential talent to bridge opposing points of view to get things done. Her character and integrity are evidenced in all she does.
Nestor calmly listens attentively, respectful of diverse perspectives. She offers everyone an open door to address their concerns. She exudes enthusiasm, with fresh workable ideas for our Town that build hope and pride. Her positive win-win negotiating abilities are balanced by Nestor’s easy-to-work-with, non-ego attitude, so rare in business and society today.
Nestor has accomplished much already — from public safety and first-ever sidewalks, to improving deteriorating roads, bridges, water systems; adding new community events and a town green, plus winning an impressive $35 million in state and federal funds for necessary current and future infrastructure projects which require her continued effective relationships with state leaders to complete. Nestor fosters a sound fiscal policy with Board of Finance Chair Michael Imber, that’s placed Weston in enviable fiscal condition.
Most importantly, Nestor’s vision to plan for future needs of our community, and invest in our schools — the chief draw and real estate values-driver of our town, that is not to be taken for granted to stay competitive — is what Weston homeowners, parents and grandparents who moved here, rely on.
Sam has exciting yet achievable ideas for serving longtime residents, while moving carefully into the future for the 30% of new families who enrich our town, and are increasing elementary school enrollment. I had not been enamored of anyone in politics until I spent the last year in close-up observation of our First Selectwoman. We are indeed lucky to have her openness, strength, stability and skills to lead Weston into a successful future for us all.
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