Letters & Endorsements

State Representative Anne Hughes for Samantha Nestor & Tony Pesco

Sam is rock-star responsive, invaluable advocate for Weston who has been a consistent leader in securing state and federal resources for the whole Weston community.

Samantha Nestor is collaborative and visionary in setting sound policy direction and working with multiple levels of government, state agencies, and neighboring town officials to move Weston to become a standout community that has welcomed many new young families into its small town midst of excellence.

She has worked tirelessly to cultivate and build trust, accessibility and accountability among Weston residents and officials, across the state of Connecticut, and more recently, across the globe.

I am so proud to work with her year-round and endorse her for another successful term as Weston’s First Selectperson, and to welcome Tony Pesco as an experienced, accomplished, long-serving member of Weston’s public service boards to the Democratic-endorsed slate for Board of Selects.

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