Letters & Endorsements

Stephanie Shemin Feingold for Sharon Ferraro
As a parent of three children in our public schools, an involved member of the PTO, and a caring citizen of Weston, I believe that selecting the right individuals for our Board of Education is one of the most consequential choices we’ll make for our town and our families.
Over the next four years, the BOE will be making decisions that matter. It will be determining how to best allocate a budget that needs to solve mounting infrastructure needs, security concerns, and a curriculum that ensures our children continue to receive a superior education.
Sharon Ferraro’s experience, perspective, priorities and approach to problem-solving make her the candidate who I believe will best represent our families and the interests of our kids, while moving our schools forward in all these critical areas.
Sharon is beyond qualified. She is an incumbent who was elected, not appointed, to her position. As a former BOE liaison for the PTO, I have seen Sharon in action. She has proven herself to be someone who is always prepared, and who has her finger on the pulse of her constituents. She speaks to make a point not just to be heard, and she raises questions that others fail to recognize as important to consider. I appreciate that she takes a common sense approach to problems and thinks about issues from both a short and long-term perspective.
Notably, Sharon is the only female BOE candidate in this election. As a woman, and a mother, she has a perspective and voice that should be represented and heard. It’s critical that our BOE has a diversity of representation. Currently there is only one other woman on the BOE. Sharon’s election to the Board would bring the number to a mere two. But that reality alone is why we need to make sure that Sharon has a seat at the table.
Finally, and importantly, Sharon has a track record of working in a bipartisian fashion. If we want to see anything accomplished on behalf of our children, we need to elect candidates that seek consensus and cooperation, while also staying true to their core values.
There is widespread agreement that our schools are the crown jewel of our town, and the reason why many want to call Weston home. But big challenges are coming. We must grapple with how to provide our kids with modern classrooms and facilities, keep them safe, and prepare them for the future.
The seven individuals that constitute the Board of Education sit in a powerful position. They will influence education policy and implement decisions that will impact our kids’ educational journey, and those of future generations.
Sharon will represent us, listen to us, and will get things accomplished that serve the best interests of Weston’s current and future families. Please join me in helping elect Sharon Ferraro on November 7!
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