Letters & Endorsements

Andrea Chase for Row A

Your vote is needed to ensure that the hard-won leadership of our boards and commissions stays in Democratic hands. Party affiliation may not have mattered much in local politics at one time, but that is no longer the case.

The polarization of our national politics caused by far-right voices has impacted and been impacted by local government posts such as the Board of Education, Planning & Zoning, Police Commission, and Selectmen. We are fortunate to have an extremely accomplished slate of candidates who will continue to bring balanced discourse, experience, forward-thinking vision, and enthusiasm to Weston governance.

Vote your values — Vote Row A and only Row A on November 7th. Local Democrats will continue to be a force for positive change in Weston by improving the schools and focusing on student outcomes, by creating a community of acceptance for all, and by supporting safety measures that protect all our residents.

Vote for responsible leadership with proven results. We cannot afford to gamble on Republican control of our Boards given the challenges faced in neighboring towns on freedom of speech and minority rights. Weston Democrats are focused on moving Weston forward!

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