Letters & Endorsements

Terry and Mike Castellano for Beth Gralnick

Responsive; knowledgeable; professional: these are three words that describe Weston Police Commission Chair Beth Gralnick, who is running for reelection this November 7.

These characteristics were on full display, recently, when residents of Fanton Hill Road asked that the police department address the excessive speeding that had become a constant on their narrow neighborhood road.

Chair Gralnick spoke with the police chief about the residents’ concerns and added their request for assistance in curbing the speeding to the commission’s agenda.

In the meantime, the chief agreed to station an electronic speed alert sign on Fanton Hill Road.

Soon after, the commission heard the residents’ concerns, listened to the officers’ support of these concerns and voted to add a stop sign to Fanton Hill Road to help “slow the roll.”

Within days, the new signage was up and the speed alert remained in place.

This is government at its best: thoughtful and action-oriented.

Thank you, Ms. Gralnick, for your quick action and for keeping us informed as to the steps the police department would be taking.

If you want pro-active government, please join us in voting for Beth Gralnick this November 7.

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