State, Towns Eligible for FEMA Aid

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has amended its major disaster declaration to now include reimbursements to the state, local governments, and some nonprofits for damage in the August 18 storm and flooding.

Such entities can now submit applications to the FEMA Public Assistance Program for reimbursement of 75 percent of costs incurred to repair and rebuild storm-damaged public infrastructure such as roads, bridges, rail lines, schools, parks, and other facilities. Costs of emergency response and protective measures are also eligible for reimbursement.

The initial FEMA declaration made funds available to individuals to cover the costs of uninsured damage to private property and to state and local governments for action on hazard mitigation. Loan assistance from the Small Business Administration (SBA) also became available. The declaration covered Fairfield, Litchfield, and New Haven counties.

The declaration also led to the Internal Revenue Service extending certain tax deadlines.

In his application to FEMA, Governor Ned Lamont estimated that the state and local governments in the affected counties incurred about $14.3 million in damage to public infrastructure.

“Approval of this program will be a relief to many towns that experienced significant damage to public infrastructure from this storm,” said Mr. Lamont.

The governor said FEMA so far has approved more than $8 million in federal disaster assistance to Connecticut residents through the Individual Assistance Program. Applications to the program can still be made by the November 19 deadline.