With More Thefts, Police Urge More Prevention

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The two most recent car thefts in Weston resembled previous incidents, leading Weston Police to more urgently encourage citizens to take basic precautions.
On September 9, a resident reported a late model Volvo was stolen from a driveway sometime in the early morning hours. The vehicle had been left unlocked with the keys inside.
The second incident, on September 15, reflected what police have described as "an unsettling trend," a daytime theft.
That afternoon at Aspetuck Country Club, an Audi was left in the parking lot unlocked with the keys inside. According to the police report, at some point over the next two hours a BMW pulled into the lot and discharged a male passenger. He tried the doors of several vehicles, found the unlocked Audi, got inside, and drove off with the BMW close behind.
Based on previous incidents, in all likelihood the BMW had been stolen earlier.
The good news is that the Weston Police almost always find stolen vehicles, usually rather quickly. The bad news is that the cars are sometimes used in other crimes, are often seriously damaged, and are always missing whatever valuables had been left inside.
The odds are incredibly poor that a law enforcement officer will happen to be present just as an easy-target car is being stolen, so the police, to encourage prevention, have posted the graphic below on social media.