Weston Police Say, “Lock Them Up”

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A spate of recent car thefts, some in broad daylight, are prompting Weston Police to encourage residents to take at least the most basic precautions.
According to Police Chief Ed Henion, the problem is by no means unique to Weston. It exists throughout the region and the state. If anything, the town’s exposure appears to be much more limited than that of other communities, given the absence of direct access to an interstate highway.
Most recently:
- On August 12, a Mercedes was stolen from a driveway in the daytime. The owner had parked, taken certain items inside, and left the car unlocked with the keys inside. It was taken within an hour.
- On the same day on another road, an Audi was left unlocked in a driveway with the keys and certain valuables left inside. It was stolen overnight.
- On August 13 in mid-afternoon at the shopping center, keys were left inside an unlocked BMW when the owner went into one of the establishments. Then, one of two men in an SUV got out and climbed into the BMW. Both vehicles sped away.
- On August 15, a resident spotted two men on foot in the driveway wearing ski masks and attempting to enter the resident's vehicle. It was locked. The intruders fled.
It used to be only at night that thieves would walk down driveways in search of cars left unlocked with keys inside. “Evidently,” say the police, “an unsettling trend of stolen motor vehicles during daylight hours is emerging.”
Advice from the Weston Police
- Always lock your vehicle, no matter how briefly you will be away from it.
- Don’t leave spare keys in the vehicle or easily accessible places.
- Park in a well-lit location.
- Consider using steering wheel locks or other anti-theft devices.
- If your vehicle is equipped with an immobilizer or anti-theft device, make sure it is activated.
- Consider installing a car alarm.
- Take valuables inside.