Weston Today photos
On July 19, Weston Republicans caucused to endorse a slate of candidates for November’s municipal elections.
The vote was unanimous to endorse candidates on the table below. Incumbents are indicated with an asterisk.
Office | Candidate |
First Selectman | Stephan Grozinger |
Selectman | Kerem Dinlenc |
Board of Education | David Felton * Peter Gordon * Michael Guido Brandon Gutman |
Board of Finance | Theresa Brasco * |
Police Commission | Jess DiPasquale * Frank Ferrara |
Planning & Zoning Commission | Lauren Gojkovich Joseph Leone |
Board of Assessment Appeals | Marylou Jamieson |
Zoning Board of Appeals | Daniel Gilbert * |
Zoning Board of Appeals Alternate | Richard Wolf |
In the photo at the top of the page from left to right, Mr. Grozinger, former State Senator Toni Boucher, Mr. Dinlenc.
Ms. Boucher with caucus presiding officer Glenn Major.
June 27, 2023: Town Republicans Propose Slate