Weston Police Highlight Drug Take Back Day

Weston Today photos

Weston police, participating in the Drug Enforcement Agency’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on October 29, will be on hand that day in the Police Department lobby from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm to reintroduce you to the Take Back box where unwanted, unused, and expired medications can be disposed of safely, anonymously, and for free.

Before and after the 29th, at any hour of the day, medications can be deposited in the box, as the Police Department lobby (upper level, across the lot from the Library) is open 24/7.

Prescription and over-the-counter medications, including those for pets, can be deposited. Needles (“sharps”), liquids, creams, and vape devices cannot.

Weston’s medication disposal box was installed in 2018 with support from ADAP, the local prevention council, which provides alcohol and substance abuse awareness programs in town and promotes wellness for youth and families.

The intent of the DEA’s National Prescription Drug Take Back Day and of the disposal boxes is to remove medicines from the nation’s homes that are vulnerable to misuse, theft, or abuse by family members and visitors, including children and teens.

Disposal in this way also keeps the drugs out of household waste prevents pharmaceutical contamination of the drinking water supply.