Voters Approve ARPA Plan

Voters today overwhelmingly approved the Town’s plan for allocating just over $3 million provided to Weston by the federal American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARPA).

The plan contains 20 projects.

To the question, “Shall the American Rescue Plan Act spending plan, as determined by both the Board of Selectmen and the Board of Finance, be approved?,” voters answered as follows:

Yes: 463 (72 percent)
No: 180 (28 percent)

A total of 643 ballots were cast at the Town Hall Meeting Room between noon and 8:00 pm, a turnout of roughly 8.8 percent of registered voters, fairly typical for this type of public vote.

Once official results were announced, First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor said, “I’m so grateful to the team that worked so hard to develop the program approved by voters today, in particular, Rone Baldwin, Joe Stromwall, Steve Ezzes, Jonathan Luiz, and Rick Darling.”

Those individuals, with the First Selectwoman, were a working group that evaluated project ideas and developed an initial plan, which was modified after a public hearing and eventually approved by the Boards of Selectmen and Finance to submit to voters. Mr. Baldwin is the chair of the Board of Finance, Mr. Ezzes its vice chair. Mr. Stromwall is vice chair of the Building Committee. Mr. Luiz and Mr. Darling are, respectively, the Town Administrator and Director of Finance.

“The town of yes”

“I also thank the Town department heads and leaders of community groups who worked tirelessly to give us the information we needed to prioritize projects and create a winning package,” said Ms. Nestor. “Their spirit of collaboration, cooperation, and optimism was inspiring. Thanks also goes to the Board of Finance and Board of Selectmen.”

“I’m also grateful for those in the community who came forward with constructive ideas. They helped make the initial plan even better, and I deeply appreciate them.”

“Weston used to be known as the town of ‘no.’ Not any longer. The 72 percent who came out today to support this plan proved once again that we are now the town of ‘yes.’ They showed that we want to be a community, that we want to take care of each other and have places to gather and enjoy our wonderful surroundings.”

“I respect those who voted no, but I’m also aware that a small minority couldn’t have the courage and heart to discuss the issues without spewing venom. So be it. But that’s not the town we are, a fact proved once again by the greater community.”

“So, let’s grab a shovel and get to work! So many wonderful things are coming our way!”

First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor, awaiting vote results