On the Agenda

The Board of Selectmen agenda for Thursday evening, August 19 contains a vote on filling a vacancy on the Board, hearing from the public about the possible sale of Fromson-Strassler, conducting an interview, making an appointment, and discussing food trucks.
Rounding out the Board
In the first order of business, the Selects will decide whether to appoint Martin Mohabeer to the vacancy caused when Samantha Nestor became First Selectwoman.
The Town Charter specifies that a vacancy must be filled by a member of the same party as the person elected to the position. Ms. Nestor is a Democrat, as is Mr. Mohabeer. They are also running as a ticket in November’s municipal election.
Mr. Mohabeer, a Harvard graduate with an MBA from Wharton, is a private equity professional, focusing on investments in industries such as banking, telecommunications, media, and entertainment.
In his statement to the Board, Mr. Mohabeer said, “I love Weston because it is the prefect blend of traditional beauty and charm that is inhabited by kind, gracious, intelligent residents who are demanding more transparency and courageous dialogue around sensitive issues. I want to be an effective collaborator on these difficult matters and create realistic agendas for growth and change.”
Next up, the Selects will hear from the public on the proposed sale of 86 town-owned acres in the northwest corner of Weston, land commonly referred to as the Fromson-Strassler property. Aspetuck Land Trust, the prospective buyer, would take ownership and preserve the property as open space.
No action will be taken on Thursday evening. Later in the meeting, the Board will likely set the date of a Special Town Meeting, as approval by voters is ultimately required for the sale of town-owned property. The vote, by machine ballot, will probably take place on September 18.
The Town purchased the land in 2003, setting it aside for future municipal use. Over time, no serious need for the land has emerged, although years ago it was briefly considered as the site of a cemetery. It is generally considered a poor candidate for development, largely due to its topography, wetlands, and because an Eversource transmission system easement runs down the middle.
The transaction has been developing since December of 2018, when the possibility of a State grant became known. Private donations were raised for matching funds, including a sizable contribution by the estate of Daniel E. Offutt III.
The proposed sale price is $1.14 million, roughly half of what the town paid for it 18 years ago. The Town has made available for download an appraisal prepared for Aspetuck Land Trust, one prepared for the Town, and a third conducted to resolve differences between the two.
From us, you can download a timeline and survey, and also the proposed sale agreement.
Other matters
The Board will vote on reappointing Karin Giannitti to the Beautification Committee. We predict unanimous consent.
Ms. Giannitti is a long-serving member of the committee, worked for decades at the Weston Historical Society, is a mainstay of the Weston Garden Club (which was founded by her mother), works tirelessly to preserve and improve the Coley Cemetery, and is the steward of the Old Post Office. In 2020, her dedication was honored by Weston Kiwanis with the Millie Best Environmental award.
The Board will acknowledge the resignation of Ruby Hedge from the Board of Education. Ms. Hedge is relocating to Florida. In her stead, the Democratic Town Committee has nominated Dr. Bernadette Kingsley, who will be interviewed by the Board of Selectmen on Thursday evening.
Before the night is through, the Selects will continue a discussion about allowing food trucks to operate on town property on certain days, hours, and locations. At least two vendors have expressed an interest. In previous discussions, including consultations with emergency responders and the Police and Fire departments, locations being considered include the Onion Barn, the Library, Morehouse Farm Park, and Bisceglie Park.