Senior Center Gets Beautified

The entrance to the Weston Senior Center has been beautified by the town’s Beautification Committee with new landscaping.

Late last year, ramps and handrails were built at the Center’s entrance to make long-needed access improvements and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. In the process, existing plantings were removed.

So, Beautification Committee member Ryan Gussen, a UCONN landscape architecture student, and committee co-chair Claudia Hahn created a new design of all native and pollinator-friendly plants.

If you have spent time in the last several months around Town Hall, the Library, and the Senior Center, you probably noticed a lot of the Beautification Committee’s ongoing work, with planters and arrangements funded by the committee created and planted by Karin Feingold.

Beautification Committee members include Ms. Hahn, co-chair Nancy Thiel, James Jamieson, Karin Giannitti, Mr. Gussen, and Cynthia Williams, who originally founded the group.

In the photo above, a ribbon-cutting for the new landscaping. Left to right, Claudia Hahn and Ryan Gussen of the Weston Beautification Committee, Senior Center Director Wendy Petty, and Beautification member Karin Giannitti.

Correction: In the original version of this article, we incorrectly listed Beautification Committee members and the name of its founder. We regret the error, and have corrected it in this edition.