No ATBM Quorum, Referendum Vote on May 1

By our count, Saturday’s Annual Town Budget Meeting fell about 90 short of the 130 needed for the meeting to take place.

The ATBM, held outdoors at the Weston High School stadium, was called to order at 2:00 by moderator Susan Moch, who declared the absence of a quorum and adjourned the meeting.

Some in attendance proceeded to Town Hall to cast up-or-down machine ballots on the Town and school district operating budgets and proposed capital spending.

Voting resumes on Saturday, May 1 at the Town Hall Meeting Room from 12:00 noon to 8:00 pm.

Our April 12 article provides insight about the budgets and the potential effect on the mill rate.


As in November’s presidential election, the normal requirements for voting by absentee ballot are waived due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

You can get an absentee ballot application on the Town Clerk’s page of the Town website.

You can also pick up an application at Town Hall, using the window of the Town Clerk’s office on Mondays through Fridays between the hours of 9:00 am and 12:00 noon.

Once your application is processed, you will receive a paper ballot. You can return the completed ballot to the Town Clerk by using the official ballot drop box in front of Town Hall at 56 Norfield Road. You can also mail it in.

Either way, your ballot must be received by the Town Clerk no later than 8:00 pm on Saturday, May 1.

Important note: absentee ballots will not be accepted at the polls.

If you prefer to mail in your ballot, address it to:

Town Clerk of Weston, CT
P.O. Box 1007
Weston CT 06883

If you have questions, contact the Town Clerk’s office:

Town Clerk Donna Anastasia
Telephone: (203) 222-2616

Assistant Town Clerk Shawn Amato
Telephone: (203) 222-2617

Not registered to vote?

According to the Registrars of Voters, you can vote in the May 1 Referendum as long as you are registered by 12:00 noon on Friday, April 30.

If you are not sure about your registration status, check it online here.

You can register online here, probably the quickest and easiest way, especially considering the date. You will need identification issued by the Connecticut Department of Motor Vehicles.

Otherwise, see options for registering in person or by mail on the Registrars’ Town website page.

According to the Registrars, “persons eligible to vote must be an elector of the Town of Weston or a U.S. citizen of the age of eighteen years or more who, jointly or severally, is liable to the town, for taxes assessed against him/her on an assessment of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000) on the Grand List of Weston, or who would be liable if not entitled to an exemption. Properties held in an LLC or Trust do not afford voting privileges off the Grand List.”

Photos: Top, Town officials at tables for an unusual outdoor Annual Town Budget Meeting, 2021. Bottom, about 40 in attendance, short of the 130 required quorum.