Pitch-In Food Drive, Saturday

On Saturday morning, October 31, Weston's Play Ball For All holds a "Pitch In" food drive to benefit the Weston Food Pantry.
The drive takes place from 10:00 to noon at the Revson Field parking lot.
Play Ball for All teen mentors will be on hand to receive curbside donations of non-perishables.
Items currently needed include hand soap, soups, beans, rice, canned fruit, juices, snack foods, coffee, and paper towels. Other non-perishables you would like to donate are welcome.
Play Ball For All focuses on mentoring, developing leadership skills, and encouraging volunteerism. The organization's Teen Mentor Leadership Board consists of students from Weston High School's junior and senior classes, who recently did another round of baseball clinics for Little Leaguers. See our September article to learn more.