Town Center Workshop, Saturday, May 4

April 29, 2019 — A second workshop by consultants working on the long-range town plan occurs on Saturday, May 4, at 10:30 in the Intermediate School Cafetorium.
In the first session, on April 6, a large number of residents gave the consultants, Milone & MacBroom, feedback on broad ideas and thoughts of their own.
According to Michael Zuba, the consulting team’s leader, this session will be highly interactive and detailed, focusing on elements of streetscape, public spaces, and potential new businesses. Participants will vote on how much they like specific design elements of the master plan, eventually illustrating concepts of what Weston Center could look like in the future.
Planning and Zoning Commission chairman Ken Edgar says results from both workshops will help the consulting team develop recommendations that fully take into account public input and present them to P&Z in June. From there, the Commission, with Milone & MacBroom’s ongoing assistance, will continue developing all parts of the plan for much of the year, with plenty of opportunities for members of the public to be heard and heeded.
Connecticut towns are required to prepare a Plan of Conservation and Development (POCD) every ten years. “This process is an opportunity for us to identify what we want, and see if we can get it,” Mr. Edgar told us earlier this month.