Senior Center Grateful for WestonArts, EMS Support

April 1, 2019 — Two community organizations are getting shout-outs from the Senior Center for their support and generosity.
Director Wendy Petty wants you to know that WestonArts, a non-profit that provides scholarships and sponsors events, has donated to the Center’s growing art program. WestonArts provided a grant for the purchase of easels for Senior Center classes.
The Center is having its second annual Art Expo on July 16, featuring demonstrations from participants and instructors. Two notable WestonArts programs are the popular Cocktails and Canvases celebration and the annual Artists Studio Tour.
Ms. Petty also thanks Weston’s all-volunteer EMS service for ongoing support, which includes monthly blood pressure checks and safety information.
EMS ran its Stop the Bleed program at the Senior Center this month, with training provided by Brittany Gilmore, Sharon Jaffe, and John Loeser. The session is concise, practical instruction on how to be the help before help arrives when someone is injured and bleeding out.
“We are lucky to have so many wonderful people in our community,” said Ms. Petty.