Letter to the Editor


I, and hundreds of Westonites, are filled with joy today after attending an incredible opening weekend of the new Daniel E. Offutt III Center for Education at the Juliana Lachat Preserve. I appreciate how this long name brings together the goals of two residents who knew what it meant to give back to our community.

But two more names must be mentioned — Carol Baldwin and Ellen McCormick. These two determined and undeterred women are the lucky clovers of Weston. Thank you for your tireless leadership and passion for preservation and conservation. You love the land. You love Weston. You never gave up.

Without your perseverance, we wouldn’t have a town farm. Your vision inspires the most impressive and dedicated volunteer force and generous donor base of Westonites, who support the farm as one bonded team, tirelessly building together.

As a farmer witnessing the rapid loss of farmland across our state, I am so deeply grateful to this dynamic duo — and all the supportive residents and town leaders who made the dream that is Lachat come true.

Congratulations on your achievement, Carol and Ellen.

— Michelle Fracasso

Ellen McCormick and Carol Baldwin on Wells Hill Farm finding lucky clovers

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