Letter to the Editor


Just walked my dog to an awesome dog park in Arlington VA.

It’s a ¼ mile long path and an enclosed dog park called Shirlington Dog park, where the dogs can socialize, run and play. What a concept! Oh how I wish Ollie had something like this in Weston! It was like he finally arrived at Wallyworld!

I went to that park twice today. My daughter takes her dog every day for socialization and exercise. While here I visited several other dog parks in Alexandria where my son lives and takes his dog. So many dogs at Shirlington. It was so nice to see. And everyone was well behaved and just ran around having fun. Makes me sad that we have nothing nearby for Ollie. My kids take their dogs every day and are surrounded by dog parks in every direction. I get pictures from them and it makes me sad for Ollie.

Why is it taking so long to settle this? Why is it going on 7 years? As a local business owner in the pet services business I am both disappointed for myself and my clients who deserve this town park. I went out and voted, I made donations and still nothing. Why is this not happening when so many people want it to? And why do such a small group of people get to stop a project on town owned land?

I am very disappointed in Weston and the fact that I feel this is not being fought hard enough for the people who work hard, pay taxes and just want a place to take their dogs to play. Harmless fun and socialization in beautiful Weston where we all live.

— Lauren Abrams

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