Letter to the Editor


This past year has demonstrated how influential members of the state legislature can be.

When the Supreme Court handed down the Dobbs decision which overturned years of precedent protecting women’s reproductive rights it was our state legislators in Hartford who acted quickly and decisively to affirm a woman’s right to choose here in Connecticut.

Now, more than ever, we need to ensure our state legislators represent us fully, reflect our values, respond to our concerns, and protect our rights. In our contested State Senate race this year I urge you to support my friend Ceci Maher, the Democrat and Will Haskell-endorsed candidate to represent Weston in the 26th State Senate District.

When I first met Ceci I was impressed by her eagerness to engage the citizens of Weston and how much energy she brought to our conversation. Ceci’s experience as a non-profit executive, her determination to protect our rights in Hartford, and her enthusiasm for getting to know the residents of her district are all rare qualities in a State Senate candidate.

After meeting Ceci it was clear why our current State Senator, Will Haskell, was so enthusiastic to support and endorse her candidacy as he heads off to law school.

We need Ceci Maher in Hartford — now more than ever. She is the right choice for our town, the right choice for our state, and a downright great person. I hope you will join Will Haskell and I in supporting Ceci Maher for State Senate on November 8th. The polls will be open at Weston Middle School from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm.

— Samantha Nestor
Weston First Selectwoman

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