Letter to the Editor


Election Day is only a few weeks away. This year a question will be on the ballot about early voting in Connecticut. The question is simple — “Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to provide for early voting?” I’m writing to show strong support for a “yes” answer to this question.

Currently, Connecticut residents can only vote early by absentee ballot. This is possible because Governor Lamont and the Connecticut General Assembly allowed voters to apply for an absentee ballot with concern about Covid-19, under the category of "Sickness,” as the reason for not being able to vote in person. Before the pandemic, only active duty military and those sick, disabled, out of town or with conflicting religious tenets were able to get an absentee ballot.

For many Connecticut residents, voting is not just a privilege but also a hardship. Many voters are unable to make it to the polls because of work, lack of childcare, or bad weather. Connecticut is one of only 4 states in the nation that don’t have early voting. If you can’t make it to the polls on Election Day, in Connecticut you’re out of luck. You will not be able to vote except by absentee ballot, and that may be highly restricted in the future.

In almost all states, voters have the opportunity to vote early. Early voting has been safe and secure. Many Connecticut organizations support early voting. I believe strongly that the more people vote, the better for the state and the country, regardless of who they vote for. Please vote “yes” for early voting!

— Marc de Mul

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