Letter to the Editor


I urge you to join me in voting for Ceci Maher for State Senator of Connecticut’s 26th district on Tuesday, November 8.

Ms. Maher has the skill set needed to lead Connecticut forward. After a successful career in the business world, Ms. Maher raised a family, became a community volunteer, and received a degree in social work from Columbia University. She served as CEO of Darien’s Person to Person for 14 years and then as Executive Director of Newtown’s Sandy Hook Promise.

All these positions afforded Ms. Maher the opportunity to make an impact on many of the issues our communities face on a daily basis. She is a strong advocate for greater gun safety, a strong and vibrant economy, and improved infrastructure and transportation.

As a former teacher and, presently, a member of Weston’s Commission on Aging, I am impressed with Ms. Maher’s commitment to high quality education and ensuring that seniors who raised their families here can afford to remain in their communities once they retire.

It will be a privilege for me to vote for Ceci Maher as State Senator on Tuesday, November 8.

— Terry Castellano

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