Letter to the Editor


I am writing in support of the re-election of Probate Judge Lisa Wexler. Lisa has served with integrity, fairness, and transparency in the role since 2013. She embodies the Probate Court’s mission of protecting the rights of individuals and ensuring care and safety for the community’s most vulnerable in times of need.

I am witness to several personal stories of how she has helped friends through very emotional and difficult times in their lives. Highly educated, Lisa gave up her own local practice to avoid conflicts of interest.

Her specific achievements include: opening the court on Tuesday nights for free public seminars; creating a free probate law newsletter; making recorded hearings available on CD; reducing costs by appointing non-lawyers as conservators and trustees where possible; conducting hearings at homes of those who cannot travel to court; and advocating at the State Capitol to restore services for vulnerable populations.

Please join me in voting for Judge Wexler on November 8th.

— Andrea Chase

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