Letter to the Editor


The Weston Planning and Zoning Commission (P&Z) is an important board, often overlooked, in our town government. It is responsible for Weston’s land use and development. Development, like the word reasonable, can be tricky to define and means different things to different people. Most residents moved to Weston to enjoy its rural beauty, two-acre zoning, clean environment and water, tranquil lifestyle, excellent and safe schools, convenience to shopping yet lack of traffic, privacy yet strong sense of community. These reasons in part are a tribute to past Weston P&Z Commissions.

“Reasonable development” for most of us would mean that the actions and planning of the P&Z are directed toward enhancing the qualities and character we love about our hometown, not putting them in jeopardy. As one of the smaller of 169 municipalities in the Connecticut, the P&Z commission needs to protect Weston’s rural character and beauty from Hartford as the State tries to govern from afar with a one-size-fits-all approach to land use. The mantra we often hear directed at big government intrusion is “keep your hands off our land” reflecting a widespread sentiment in favor of local control.

Republican candidates for the P & Z on the ballot this November 2nd - James Carlon and Alexander Burns - understand these dynamics and will support priorities and decisions that enhance residents’ quality of life without destroying the fundamental attributes of Weston that attracted us to move here in the first place. Please vote for them.

I also urge you to mark on your ballot the name of Harry Fabler, Petitioning Candidate seeking reelection as an unaffiliated member. His voice on land use is a voice of reason, independent thinking, experience, and inventiveness which is in danger of being silenced. Please also support Harry on Election Day.

— Woody Bliss

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