Letter to the Editor


We are at a crossroads in Weston; a time when it is critical to ensure our Democratic leaders continue to move our Town forward.

Our dedicated and talented Boards and Commissions, led by the Democratic majority, through sound fiscal management and the navigation of the challenges of COVID, have steered the Town to a point when it can envision a more vibrant Town Center and multifamily development, create a friendlier, walkable area through the sidewalks initiative, while further protecting the environment, promoting sustainability and enhanced communication.

More volunteers have been called to action by the BOS through new Town Committees, such as the Marketing and Communications Advisory; Economic Vitality; Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Advisory and Facilities Optimization Committees.

Let’s support our Town’s stride into the future, while preserving its special “woodlands” character by continuing Democratic leadership. Please join me in voting Row A (the top row) of the ballot, in your Absentee Ballot or in person on November 2.

— April Howlett

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