Letter to the Editor


My name is Jamie Zeppernick and I am putting my name forward for a position on the Board of Finance. Westonites deserve solid and fiscally responsible policies that promote growth and create opportunities for all. In the same breath we must also ensure that the character and natural resources that make Weston so beautiful are always protected for future generations. I have a proven track record of creating, operating, and growing small businesses across three states. Beyond ensuring the fiscal health of these businesses, the happiness and security of the people I employ and serve are at the heart of why I continue to work each day.

The most important role of the Board of Finance is to maintain the balance between the fiscal health and well-being of our current citizens while still operating in a manner to protect the future generations of Westonites. With this balance in mind, we are tasked to bring expertise, professionalism and sensible decision making to each issue that comes before us.

We must have exceptional stewards guiding us to sound outcomes and fiscally beneficial policies for all the citizens of Weston.

Our leadership must work towards moving ideas past party lines and more towards ideas based on unity where tolerance of ideas is celebrated and held as the standard by which we guide ourselves.

I am asking for your vote on November 2nd for the Board of Finance.

— Jamie Zeppernick

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