Letter to the Editor


I strongly support the re-election of Tony Pesco to the Board of Education and his continuation as Chairman of the board. Tony is the right man at the right time for this incredibly vital and complicated position in town government.

Tony Pesco has proven himself more than up to the job, “captaining” the school district through its most difficult and challenging period. Developing virtual classrooms, gradually reopening the physical school, keeping staffing full, maintaining budget discipline, recreating transportation schedules, adjusting sports and extra-curricular activities, maintaining health and safety, masking and unmasking, keeping labor unions involved and onboard, hiring a new Superintendent.

Tony Pesco‘s stewardship of the board has kept Weston schools offering the outstanding education that we have come to expect and demand.

Vote for Tony and all the Democratic Party candidates and keep Weston moving in the right direction.

— Larry Rehr

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