Letter to the Editor


For the future of Weston, I am putting my support behind current First Selectwoman Samantha Nestor. As a Westonite, I know to the native eye it seems like change is slow. But Samantha has quickly made a positive impact.

The improvements around the Onion Barn, the future turning lane onto School Road and the sidewalk project are just the start — all initiated during Sam Nestor and Chris Spaulding’s tenure on the BOS and designed to lay the foundation for a vibrant town center.

Although our town was founded just after the Revolutionary War, Weston is ready to modernize in ways it never has before. First Selectwoman Nestor is ready and able to capitalize on state and federal funds being offered to municipalities in order to create the infrastructure investment Weston requires, to the advantage of all Westonites. Let’s move forward together by supporting and voting for Samantha as First Selectwoman.

— Carolyn Hill-Bjerke

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