Letter to the Editor


Dear Members of the Historic Commission:

As a member of the Board of Finance, my board grapples with how to provide services and amenities for our community while not having to increase taxes. All of you are also taxpayers and sensitive to decisions made by my board.

There are larger ramifications should you decide to not approve the Offutt Center for Innovation and Art which extend beyond the building. Attracting a benefactor like Mr. Offutt is important to a small town like Weston. His generosity extends beyond this building. Yet this building is a fulcrum for further grants. Certainly this is not the only deciding point for your commission but one you need to keep in mind when making your decision.

From my standpoint, and I am sure you will hear from others, the building is a welcome addition and attractive in its own right.

Having grown up in Westport where their benefactor was the Bedford family I have seen how important a person like Mr. Offutt has been and will be to Weston. In Westport one only has to look at schools named for the Bedford family and the YMCA. Vital parts of the community. Mr. Offutt had and wanted to play a similar role in Weston.

Thank you,
Steve Ezzes

Mr. Ezzes is currently chairman of the Weston Board of Finance.

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