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Editor’s Note January 10, 2025: Due to weather, the bonfire is postponed to a date to be determined. Donations already made still go to the Weston Warm-Up Fund.
The traditional bonfire at Emmanuel Church takes place this season on Saturday January 11 at 5:00, a community gathering with food and treats and an opportunity to dispose of Christmas trees in a way that benefits those needing help heating their homes this winter.
For a suggested donation of $40, you can arrange to add your tree to the fire by requesting a pickup here. After that, all you need to do is put the tree at the end of your driveway by Monday, January 6.
You can also donate and drop off your tree at the back field of Emmanuel Church, 285 Lyons Plain Road. It helps to let the church administration know by email.
The Weston Volunteer Fire Department supervises the bonfire. Students looking for opportunities to earn volunteer hours can email the church office about helping with tree collection.
100 percent of bonfire proceeds go to the Weston Warm-Up Fund, which provides financial assistance for oil, gas, and electricity bills to ensure that no one in the community has to face the cold without adequate heat.