Himes Encourages Blood Donations

Mr. Himes donating in Greenwich on Dec. 23
Congressman Jim Himes encourages “everyone who is able to visit a local center this holiday season” and donate blood, following a declaration by the Connecticut Blood Center (CTBC) of an emergency shortage due to a 20 percent decline in donations.
“Donating blood is a simple way to make a lifesaving difference in our community,” said Mr. Himes.
Appointments can be made at RedCrossBlood.org by clicking on “Schedule an Appointment” under the “Donate Blood” tab, then entering your zip code to find a nearby blood drive. You can also call 1-800-688-0900 (1-800-Red-Cross).
CTBC is urgently appealing for donations of all blood types, particularly Type O, which is vital for trauma and emergency care. The organization reports that a holiday season drop in donor turnout is typical in most years, but at the same time demand often rises due to higher numbers of travel-related accidents, routine surgeries, and other emergencies.