Food Drive a Success

Contributed photo

Weston residents were very generous on November 23 when members of Weston’s Kiwanis Club and the high school Key Club reached out to customers at Lily’s Weston Market and the Weston Pharmacy to stock the Weston Food Pantry with nutritious and hearty shelf-stable food and personal care products.

It was wonderful seeing parents and their children donating food and personal care products to help their neighbors. Anne Bigin, the food pantry president, said, “The food drive brought in over 65 bags of shelf-stable foods and toiletries. In addition to the items purchased or dropped off, we collected $454 outside of Lily’s and an additional $340 was donated through Venmo for a total of $794.”

“The food and toiletries drive helps over 70 Weston families with food insecurities,” said Ms. Bigin. “It’s so important and necessary to help our neighbors in need, and the Weston Food Pantry appreciates all that Kiwanis does to help our town.”

The Weston Food Pantry stocks non-perishable items so that no one in Weston will go hungry. The pantry’s most significant activity is to provide free supplemental food weekly to those with food insecurities. Weston Kiwanis is dedicated to serving children, families and the community at large. Through a combination of community service and philanthropic fundraising, the club supports worthy causes in our community and surrounding area.

In the photo at the top from left to right: Bill Flanagan, Reed Ameden, Dallas Kersey, Carl Urbania, Anne Bigin, Annabel Gill, Emily Kreger, India Kreger, Lily Fournier, Paige Macnicki, Antonina Chmiel, Clarice Braun, Grant Mattinson, Liam Rothlein.